Looking closely at narrative texts continues to be a focus throughout
our reading and writing programme until week six. We will then focus on
persuasive texts for the remainder of the term. Parents can support these
programmes by listening to their children read daily and by reading more
difficult texts to their children. By reading to children, we are able to
expose them to a higher level of vocabulary and experiences that they could not
ordinarily access. Rich discussions about the text and the author’s intentions
greatly add to a child’s ability to comprehend and then recreate high quality
texts of their own.
At this point all “Talk” homework is being completed as part of the
daily English programme. Year Two teachers are carefully supporting students to
collaboratively develop a wider range of topic specific vocabulary and story ideas
to ensure they are able to write an exciting narrative. Parents and carers are
welcome to come in before or after school to read their child's writing.
Each week our English program focuses on reading and comprehension strategies, phonics (spelling) and grammar and punctuation. We also ensure the students have opportunities to speak and listen to others with a common topic. The Super Science Challenge coming up later this term will also be an opportunity for teachers to assess each child's speaking and listening skills. Information on this will be sent home.
The students practiced using similes by writing a poem about themselves. |
This term we have conducted surveys, created graphs and discussed and interpreted
the information these reveal. Exploring 2 and 3D shapes is our current topic
and the students are being challenged to describe their features and draw 3D
Fractions and solving word problems will be the next topics for us to cover. Parents can assist by using the CUBES problem solving method to guide their children to solve the Word Problem Wednesday tasks sent home each week. One issue has been that the students are not showing the steps they have taken to solve the problem. It has been hinted that parents are doing the homework by just providing the answer! I tell the students each week, that it is the steps that I am looking to see, not so much having the correct answer.
This term we are continuing to learn about landmarks in and around
Perth. This week we will be attending an excursion to the Perth Mint and The
Bell Tower. Students have completed an, “I wonder…” activity in anticipation of
the event. Please ask your child to share their wonderings with you. This is a great activity to activate your child’s
natural curiosity about the world.
This term we will be focusing on life cycles of plants and small animals.
We have created a bean plant experiment which is delivering some unexpected
results so far!
We are also lucky enough to have a parent at the school, Lucy, who is an
entomologist who will be visiting us on Wednesday to share her expertise with
insects, especially leaf insects. We are looking forward to her visit. Thank
you to Renee for facilitating this experience.
Students designed an experiment to investigate the effect of sunlight on the growth of a bean plant. |
These are our fascinating mealworms. We are observing how they grow and change. |
The Super Science Challenge is planned for week six and all classes from
Years 1-6 will be involved. We are very keen to take part in this again
and will be sending out notes soon with further details.
In preparation for last week’s assembly, we
have been learning how to ‘bounce back’ when things go wrong. Resilience is the
school’s focus value for this term. Hopefully students are beginning to use
some of their learning and not let small things turn into mountains! Allowing
students to own their mistakes is a big part of developing resilience.
Later this term, the Life Education
Van will visit Wattle Grove Primary School. Notes will be sent home later this
term with further information.
technology and design
Hopefully all our lovely Mum’s and Nan's enjoyed their cards which were individually created following the
design process. Following this week’s excursion we are hoping to create a
one-off coin design reflecting our learning from the excursion. I envisage lots
of tin foil!
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