Saturday, 11 November 2017

Persuasive Writing Topic Week 6

This week's topic is: I think we should play in the park after swimming lessons. The context of this is that each day when we line up ready to board the bus back to school, the children look longingly at the Volcano Park and ask me why we can't have a play. Perhaps they will answer their own question this week!

Students are encouraged to decide are they for or against this topic. They need three different reasons which support their position. No writing is necessary, they just need to think through their ideas ready to share on Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The Blue Bots have landed!

This week we have been learning how to program the school's Blue Bots to follow pathways. This involves creating a set of instructions and then pressing a series of directional buttons to make the robots move. This links with our Technology program and our Mathematics focus on mapping this week. Below are some photos of our plans and the Blue Bots in action.